About this blog

Here's to uplifting, amusing things to think about or just to laugh about...

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Nigeria Here I come

I have prepared a series of posts scheduled to be delivered when necessary so that I can be in touch with the people I am getting very fond of (you guys!!!). They will be delivered every sunday till the new year and if there is a change, i'll tell you, so come and come often! (ibiluv will say 'that's what she said' right here haha)

First order of business: thank you for all your comments and encouragements. Although I came here to write I find myself more and more comfortable sharing my little stories with you lot :D and I hereby take what I'm going to call a 'bloggers vow'. This means that:

I Wordsmith, may be known to you as any other name, will never again disappear from

 blogville. I may not post as often, or may take a hiatus, but I will not randomly delete my blog.

 I will stay up to date, I will answer questions and I will tell the truth. If my anonymity is 

questioned, I will merely delete embarassing posts and remain ever yours. And...if anyone 

discovers my real identity, i have decided it is no horrible fate and will stay here telling my 

So help me God.

Get out clause: If anything ever changes my mind, I will give due warning to my blog pals and STILL remain in touch. sound fair?

Second order of business: I will soon be in Nigeria. Email me at omoobanta@gmail.com for my number and we can gist. Of course no anonymous or unknown personalities will be answered...



Lolia said...

lol at "no anonymous personalities"
I feel you though.
So did you get someone to post for you? Or is there some sort of setting you can put? Because I want to do that tooooooooooo!
Anyway have a wonderful time in Nigeria...I still have 5 more days before I leave :(

Anonymous said...

Have a lovely trip! I love your bloggers vow :)

ibiluv said...

hey girl

love the vow

will be hitting you up!!!!!!!!!

doug said...

lol! So you used to randomly delete your blog? lol. Reminds me of me.
Have fun in Nigeria!!!!

Original Mgbeke said...

Ha Ha Ha...at least you no give ya # or else people will start 'flashing' you anyhow. Ugh! I'm so jealous of all your Naija-goers. *turns pink with envy*

We will be holding you to that vow o!

Anonymous said...

Well then Have fun in Naija! I like your promise, shall I borrow it boo.

Shubby Doo said...

lol @ your pledge...i like your get out of jail free card

it's a pleasure to have you here as wordsmith...& guess the other that know you with your previous alias will say the same