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Wednesday, December 3, 2008


So i've been questing for these polo shirts i once caught sight of, i looked on Sugabelly's shirt site here, and even considered buying stuff from there but it's not the one I want. It's a polo shirt that has  since 1960 on it and something about nigeria, as well as a coat of arms in the front. I can't remember specifics but will know it when i see it. if you know what i'm talking about help me... sorry for the vague descriptions :(


Anonymous said...

I'm sorry, I haven't seen it. I bet if you emailed or contacted Sugabelly she could hook you up though.

I hope you find it!

Anonymous said...

Me I know no o. Goodluck tho. XOXO

NaijaBabe said...

wow I dont think i kno of that

I only kno of the olympic ones with the naija flag on it

Seduction Club said...

erm, if you find it,pls lemme know, sounda like something im interested in.

doug said...

Yah I know of the Olympic ones too but not this

Aphrodite said...

Why not buy a plain T-shirt and print what you wnat on it?

Rebirth said...

if i come across it, would let u know....... good luck

Anonymous said...

its the agama label, owned by some young nigerians. search for the group on facebook and contact the admins. Am sure they will help

wordsmith said...

I knew blogville would come through. this is it! Thanks to the anonymous contributor

Buttercup said...

uh, i have no idea what u talkin bout..sowee!

Lolia said...

I was just going to say...E-mail Sugabelly and she can customize a shirt for you. We do it all the time. Just let her know exactly what you want ^_^