About this blog
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Legend...wait for it...

Sunday, December 21, 2008
No words required
- All the guys that call and call and then remember they have a girlfriend when you're in town.
- The ones that ALSO call and call but at the end say it's not you it's me, while they are safely in India - and still keep calling wtf? (this actually just happened and is still fresh, and I can only laugh)
- the wowo ones,
- the fine ones who like you but cant help but be players ( in their own words, in my opinion, as long as youre not an animal, YES, you can help yourself, you just don't want to),
- the hippies, (pot heads, lazy types, i mean pot cant be too bad once in a while but mehn everyday?)
- the nigeria-haters,
- the any-intelligence-displayed-means-you're-acting-white,
- the too-holy,
- the cheap let's-hang-out-at-micky-d's (for God's sake I'd rather we cooked, I'm not a golddigger, I just need some style in my life),
- the ones that show up for a date with their friend (?),
- the ones that disappear for years and expect you to be single when they turn up (yes I am, but I'm not going to tell you that now am i?)
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Nigeria Here I come
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Ultimate bit of randomness
This is like shoe season in blogville: for example
I live in a world that I no longer belong to. Imagine that. My family treats me like a priceless relic that everybody loves but nobody wants responsibility for. I don’t understand them but I know people. I know what they are thinking.
I am not deaf but the familiar sounds of the children I bore, their children and their children after them are incomprehensible to me. Take for example this one in front of me grinning at me as if I am a little child. She is speaking to me. Or rather she is speaking at me. Whatever it is does not matter at all, as we do not understand each other. I tell her I love her, that she is the flesh of my flesh of my flesh. She keeps smiling in that frozen way that indicates that she has no idea what I am saying but somehow wishes me to be happy. I turn away and look at the television in which impossibly young women smile at me and speak to me in words that hold no meaning for me. It is not that I have lived too long but that nobody else has lived long enough.
She is smiling at me like I am a helpless child, even though t I gave birth to her grandmother. She looks at her watch and looks like she wishes to be somewhere else. I wish I could tell her not to bother with that frozen one-place smile. Time holds no meaning for me anymore. I was here before she was born. I will be here when she returns from that far away place across the sea. For now, I am the embodiment of time to her.