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Here's to uplifting, amusing things to think about or just to laugh about...

Monday, February 23, 2009

World Members...

This is the translation a friend gave me for Eyin Aiye.

World Members/Eyin Aiye: referring to all the hateration or underground distaste that is revealed by people at some point. When the hateration or previously hidden beef is revealed the character hated on (or hateree) exclaims Eyin Aiye! or World Members!

SO i now have a straight black weave and all the white people that claimed to have previously loved my afro and/ or braids (so cute and different! in a high squeeky voice) are now telling me that I look great (so classy, sophisticated and professional! in equally high squeaky voice).

To this I reply: Eyin Aiyeeeeeeeee!

So these people can only consider a person 'classy' if they look as close to them as possible. SO my so called friends would not have hired me if they were in a position to decide if I did not have hair that was a facsimile of theirs? Are they serious? 
So before because I left my hair as God intended I looked un-classy. What?

You cannot get away from them world members..hmpf.


TBR said...

Aiye ke?
You are making TBR laugh, lol.

teebay said...

hmpf.. awon aiye..


doug said...

Lol! You should have heard the stuff I was told when I lopped off my locks. Sigh. World Members!

bumight said...

well, u'll just have to learn to ignore these "world members".

and when white people tell u, "oh, i love ur hair, love ur outfit..blah blah", dont be quick to believe all of them.

once i was in the elevator with a friend who was wearing a native outfit, and another african-american girl came in the elevator.
she goes "wow, i love ur outfit" gushing over it and all.
i didnt say anything
when the guy got off she now said "i really didnt like it, i just said that"

i was shocked at such blatant patronization. u dont even know the dude, so u're not obligated to say anything. schew!

wordsmith said...

@ TBR glad to be useful.

@teebay abi o

@doug LOL

@ bumight: i dunno o, if you dont like something just be quiet, no need to bring it up lol