About this blog

Here's to uplifting, amusing things to think about or just to laugh about...

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

As you like it

Sometimes I miss you
Sometimes I dont,
Each time I do
My heart could split in two

Sometimes I miss you,
Most times I don't
But when I do,
the memories begin to fail.

Sometimes I miss you
but often I don't
when i do,
I immediately don't.


Anonymous said...

Welcome back!

Fammy said...

...And finally u obviously don't, but hope its for good

Anonymous said...

hmmmmmm Welcome back. I like this one.

Rayo said...

love this, its so simple yet captures very very deep feelings. i especially lyk the last part about immediately pushin out the thots even when they come.

doug said...

Umm...this one makes me dizzy.LOL

Welcome back word.

Afrobabe said...

I hate this poem, I hate it so so much...cos it speaks my heart and makes me acknowledge that which I dont want to....

Shubby Doo said...

this is what is going on in my head right now...i soo need to get a grip

happy new year