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Here's to uplifting, amusing things to think about or just to laugh about...

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Wordsmith presents...

decided to post an old one while i finish something i think is pretty good and i have been procrastinating about for 2 years


The Silence resounds.

The click clacketting of the forks echo

in that cavern of silence.

The words that should have been said

float in the Tension, unheard


The young one looks up

She wants to free her imprisoned thoughts;

but the click clacketting keeps click clacketting

with a vengeance,

and the thoughts stay locked up.


The mother refuses to look at Him,

as he glowers and eats,

Click, click…click click


The phone rings

And for a minute the loudness of the Silence

Is swallowed up. 


tommeh said...

this is tight!

Emeka Amakeze said...

Loudness of the silence; this is one of the feelings most dreaded and i always welcome phone calls and the like at a time like that. Nice work of art.

Kafo said...

hmmm i could actually close my eyes and imagine this scene

good one

Buttercup said...

Wow wordizzle darling, this was really good! Keep em coming!

Hows u hon?

Buttercup said...

Wow wordizzle darling, this was really good! Keep em coming!

Hows u hon?

The Activist said...

I am confused by you!This means no dinner?

wordsmith said...

it was supposed to be a poem about awkwardness and it was intended to build the atmosphere in such a way that you felt tense. My father is an was difficult to live with, and there were very many awkward dinners. obviously didnt work for you lmao

The Activist said...

HMMM E be like say I need to update my poetic sense

Thanks Wordsmith

wordsmith said...

nah it just means i need to work a little harder...